Saturday, May 14, 2011

Yea, It's Funny

We've all seen the new Snickers t.v. campaign, "you're not you when you're hungry". It started off with the  "divas" in the car. Then came Betty White on a football field and Roseanne in a logging operation (the Roseanne one I wasn't too fond of).

I loved the commercials' concept at first, but then they started to lose steam. You need the right stars to make it funny, but more importantly you need the right personality with the skit. Roseanne makes everything horrible in my opinion (she's lucky Richard Lewis was there to make the commercial somewhat funny), but that's not why I started to get turned off to the rest of the commercials.

After being subjected to the skits for a while I noticed that the underlying concept starts off strong, but lacks the power to be replayed without becoming boring. I think a great commercial can be played twice in a row and never lose steam.

But then I found Joe Pesci's contribution to the campaign. It didn't disappoint for two reasons. The star's personality worked with the "real life" situation given (alot like the first commercial with Liza Minnelli), and Joe Pesci made the commercial more memorable than the rest of the campaign (maybe with the exception of Betty White saying "that's not what your girlfriend says").

Here it is, tell me what you think. Also check out the Betty White one and play the logging commercial until Richard Lewis leaves the screen, then immediately shut it off.

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